We want you to be completely satisfied with every item that you purchase from Caribu and so we understand that there may be times when you will need to return a product that you have purchased from us.
We aim to make this process as easy and hassle-free as possible and our returns policy has been constructed to comply with the relevant consumer rights and retailer obligations as set out under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL).
When to return a product?
You are entitled to a refund, replacement or credit from Caribu when an item purchased fails to meet one of the consumer guarantees as per the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), i.e. the product:
- Is faulty or of unacceptable quality
- Does not match the description or sample
- Is unfit for the intended purpose (i.e. does not do what it is meant to do)
- Is not delivered in a reasonable time frame
- Proof of purchase must be provided (proof of purchase details are outlined above)
This also includes non-compliance with any applicable warranties or guarantees as set out by the manufacturer.
Proof of purchase is required for all returns, which can be in the form of your receipt/tax invoice, a debit/credit card statement, member's club transaction history, or online purchase transaction history.
Caribu will also, as an act of goodwill, accept return items if you have changed your mind.
In this instance, the product must:
- Be returned within 30 days of receiving the item
- Be in a re-saleable condition (original condition) with all tags still intact
Important note - We do not accept any returns of clearance items.
However, if you have a clearance item that you believe is faulty, please reach out to us for further assistance.
If you wish to request a return for an item, please follow the returns process HERE.